Projektpartner - Anzeige

International art project FEEL / DRAW / ACT




We are looking for a partner for a project, which is partly preconceived, partly still to be described together.
There are relatively clear considerations, especially regarding the artistic methods.
For the realization of the topic there is free space for joint design.
Ideal would be a school that has already made experiences in international youth exchange.
However, this is not a prerequisite.

Target group: Pupils at the age of 13/14 years – if necessary a complete school class.
Pupils do not have to have any special artistic talents, but they must be willing to get involved in these forms of expression.
If possible, they should already have experience with project work.
Number of participants: approx. 20, plus 2-3 supervisors, preferably with enthusiastic art/theater teachers.
Venue: Nordhausen
Duration: 7 days
In the period: 10.09. – 16.09.2023
Topic: Communication – Although we are dependent on each other in our lives together,
we often don’t talk to each other or don’t listen to each other. Are we aware of this? (To what extent) can we change this?

Methods: – experimental and performative art in public space
– language animation
– methods for diversity-oriented and intercultural learning
– More can be developed together
– Participants bring in their individual perspectives on their environment
– Ideas for successful communication are developed
– These are artistically implemented and shown in the urban space
– visual and creative art complement each other
– Passers-by are involved and stimulated to think about it

Workshops in the visual and performing arts area

learning opportunities:
– Insight into numerous techniques and methods for making performative drawings in public spaces
– Insight into different approaches of dance and movement theater
– Joint exploration of public space
– Transformation of public space into a space for making drawings or for dance and movement theater in interaction with each other and with passers-by.

Techniques / Experiments
– Sound and text collages
– Forms of dance and movement theater
– Performances in urban space

artist Stefan Schwarzer. – his expertise and workshop idea:

Each participant receives individual impulses for his or her own work and can develop new perspectives on his or her own working method.
The participants will explore the public space during several excursions and transform it into their own playground for the production of drawings. During the three-day workshop, they will create sound drawings, blind drawings, and project their drawings onto building facades in a variety of experiments. At the end of each excursion day, the results of the day are reviewed and discussed together.
The goal of the workshop is to teach drawing techniques in a playful way, from the first sketch to the joint temporary „pop-up“ exhibition, and to create works that reflect the participants‘ individual views of their environment.
The works created during the workshop will be presented to the public in a jointly organized temporary exhibition at various locations in the city.

10:00 – 11:30 a.m.
Presentation of the workshop and theoretical excursion into the topic
of performative drawing in public space
11:30 – 12:30 | Individual lunch break
12:30 – 16:30 Excursion in public space
Experiments including „lightning drawings“ , „blind drawings“ of sounds
and descriptions of passers-by, „performative drawings“ in interaction with passers-by or with other workshop participants
16:30 – 17:00 | In the public space
Common viewing and discussion of the created drawings

10:00 – 12:00 Excursion in the public space
Experiments a.o. „Micro and Macro Drawings
12:00 – 13:00 hrs | Individual lunch break
13:00 – 16:30 | Meeting in public space
Experiments e.g. „collage drawings“, „frottage drawings“.
performative drawings or interaction with passers-by
16:30 – 17:00 | In the public space
Common viewing and discussion of the created drawings
17:00 – 21:00 h | Individual preparation of the drawings for the
projection in the evening
21:30 – 23:00 | Meeting point in the public space
On the way with the accumulator video beamer and the graphics tablet
Experiments and live drawing and projections of drawings created during the day
drawings, performative drawings in interaction with passers-by or with other workshop participants
10:00 – 11:30
Joint analysis of the work done and planning for „Pop-Up“
exhibition in the afternoon, possible planning and preparation of
individual or joint performance
11:00 – 12:30 | Individual lunch break
12:30 – 17:00 Excursion in public space, search for exhibition location(s) for the temporary presentation of the created works
1xcourse leader 600,00€
plus travel expenses, accommodation & meals

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JSW Management.ev
9973 Parkallee 2

Ansprechpartner: Ines Gast
Tel.: 0049 36319798411