Long-term school partnership (intercultural exchange)
We are looking for possible international school partnerships in Poland.
Our school, Riesener-Gymnasium, is located in the heart of the Ruhr area. Not far from our school site are the attractive cities of Münster, Düsseldorf and Cologne that are worth a visit. Our grammar school is attended by about 800 pupils aged 10 to 19. Our school is a certified European school, which means we try to anchor the European idea in school life: Through international partnerships, European competitions, a wide range of foreign languages (English, Spanish, French and Latin) and various projects that revolve around Europe. We also have a bilingual class in which subjects such as Politics and History are taught bilingually in German and English.
We are very interested in a partner school in Poland which would like to have regular exchanges with us. Our exchanges with our partners in the Netherlands and the USA have always been seen as an absolute benefit by the whole school community. For this reason, we would very much like to expand our offer and establish more international encounters. That is why we are looking for a school that would be interested in doing a student exchange with us every one or two years. We are open to the length of such a stay as well as the program of the stay. We can also offer different classes with pupils of different ages: For example, we could imagine an exchange with our bilingual class in Year 8, Year 9 or an exchange with our older pupils.
I am sure that this experience would add value for everyone involved: language skills can be improved, interesting places and lifestyles can be discovered and long-lasting friendships can be forged!
If you are interested in establishing an international exchange with us, I would be very happy to hear from you!
You can get a first impression of our school on the following website:
Mein rechtlicher Status:
Alter der Teilnehmenden:
15-18 Jahre
Riesener-Gymnasium Gladbeck
45964 Schützenstraße 23
Ansprechpartner: Anna Schröer
Tel.: 02043/975611
E-mail: aschroer@riesener-gymnasium.de
Internetseite: www.riesener-gymnasium.de