Traces of the Evacuation of KL Stutthof prisoners 1945
As the „EUREKA“ Association, we intend to implement a project which aim will be to commemorate the evacuation of KL Stutthof prisoners by sea. As part of the project, we plan a cruise following the traces of the victims, from Mikoszewo to Rügen, and the Moen island next year. This year, together with German youth, we want to prepare a program for that event, including a debate on the subject: „Can the experiences of fascism protect future generations from a similar threat“. We would like to invite German youth to participate in the project, according to the indication, aged 17 and over. We would be glad if the project could engage young people from the island of Rügen, Lauterbach, Bergen, Putbus, Stralsund, i.e. places related to evaluation. We would also like to offer participation in the project to young people from other German towns, ready to engage in joint activities. As a part of the project, this year we are planning remote cooperation, and next year we are going to invite the German group to Poland. ‚
On the 77th anniversary of the evacuation of KL Stutthof prisoners, we would like to organize a joint cruise from Mikoszewo, through Hel to Rügen with an international youth crew.
We will be very grateful for any help in the organization of our venture, to initiate the tradition of international cruises organized on the next evacuation anniversaries. Ms. Elzbieta Grot, the author of the book „Evacuation of KL Stutthof prisoners by sea via Rügen to Denmark, 1945“, former curator of the Museum in Stutthof, is involved in the activities of the Association.
The EUREKA association has implemented many projects for youth, international exchanges, sailing projects combined with exploring the historical heritage of Pomeranian region, Kashubia and Żuławy. We constantly cooperate with an educational center for young people in Malbork.
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Europejskie Ugrupowanie na Rzecz Edukacji i Kreowania Aktywności
84-240 Gdańska
Ansprechpartner: Romana Aziewicz
Tel.: 48/534333816